
Advanced Negotiation Skills workshops are designed to enable participants to play the negotiating game with greater confidence and superior tactical finesse.

Learning by doing

The best way to learn about negotiation is to negotiate. Participants are immediately thrown into the water. Swimming techniques are discussed only after they have tried out whatever techniques come naturally to them – and after they have observed an astonishing range of different results from fellow participants.

Comprehensive Feedback

Contrary to popular belief, learning from experience in negotiation is often not very effective. The main problem is that we lack reliable feedback. How do we know whether a deal is brilliant, mediocre, or downright poor? And in real life, we typically don’t get any process feedback at all!

During this workshop, you will be able to benchmark your own deals against similar deals negotiated by thousands of executives who participated in my workshops all over the world. In addition, valuable process feedback will help you to identify some of your real strengths in negotiation, as well as some of your weak spots.

Diversity of Experience

This workshop will expose you to a broad array of diverse negotiating problems and encourage you to critically examine your own negotiating routines. You will learn to spot – and take advantage of – other negotiators’ bad habits … and you’ll identify some of your own bad habits as well!

Real Life Cases

It is hard to learn real life negotiating skills from ‘academic’ negotiating cases. In my workshops, all cases and role plays are based on real life negotiations. Concepts and techniques are illustrated by countless anecdotes and practical examples drawn from thirty years of negotiating experience.

Practical Skills

Particular emphasis is given to negotiation practice. You will get savvy negotiating tips from experienced negotiators around the world, as well as extensively tested practical solutions for real-life negotiating problems. Most importantly, you will build up a personal repertoire of effective moves to deal with common negotiating problems including aggressive challenges on a single issue (such as price) and handling tough questions.

In this workshop, you will learn to:

  • Handle price negotiations
  • Structure complex package deals
  • Identify opportunities to create value
  • Avoid arguments
  • Maintain composure under pressure
  • Manage long-term business relations

Workshops are designed for dealmakers, executives and entrepreneurs who are willing to share their negotiating experience and wish to further sharpen their negotiating skills. Prior training in negotiation is useful but not essential. Workshops will be of particular interest to:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Managers handling procurement
  • Sales managers
  • Key account managers
  • Project Managers
  • Human resources managers
  • Executives in liaison roles such as country managers
  • Investment bankers
  • Lawyers
  • Consultants

View our New Zealand workshops here.

Developed by Professor Dierickx and Professor Luis Almeida Costa, Negotiation Dynamics – The Game™ is an advanced negotiation workshop that combines face-to-face negotiations with sophisticated information technology to create a highly realistic, intense and time-effective learning experience.